
Monday, May 4, 2009

4 Months

Cooper is now 4 months old.Cooper turned 4 months yesterday. I took the picture last night before midnight so it's a true picture of him on his exact 4 month old birthday. Obviously I don't have much to blog about these days except for my kids getting older. I guess I could talk about how Jaxson never sleeps, it's a battle every day and every night and I'm going crazy. But talking about that might sound like I'm just complaining, so I won't. Hope all is well with everyone!

6 comments: said...

All my life I have been proud of my beautiful children... I can say I'm DOUBLE the proud Grandma!!!
He is totally adorable !!!

kelli said...

Ethan sleeps like that to this day, with his hands behind his head. I would be happy to take your family pictures. I am going out of town this week, but maybe the week after.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh....He's adorable! And dont feel weird about having nothing to blog about.....when you are taking care of two little kids 24/7 it's hard to have much else to think about. I FEEL THE SAME WAY!

Mariel said...

Hey sucka, that little dude is pretty cute! Is big brother sleeping any better yet? Maybe you should play recordings of General Conference for him. It has a magical, soothing way of bringing about sleep.

just dandee said...

Awe. Too cute. I really LOVE sleeping babies... and kids... and husbands... and me. Hmmm... sleep is good. Sorry Jaxon is not so keen on the idea.
I am liking Mariel's idea about conference talks. Those really can be quite magical that way.
Hope life is great for you. As always, look forward to seeing you guys someday soon.

Kwint and Gina Kemp Family said...

Love the cheeks. I won't mind if you complain... it would make me feel better because I am always whining about not getting any sleep because Brennan won't. I am so tired that I can't remember how to speak clearly and I always say the wrong words. Very frustrating.