
Tuesday, January 8, 2008

After Christmas my entire family drove eight hours to Colorado in miserable snow then spent 4 nights together all in the same house (there were 16 of us) just to celebrate Christmas and New years together...and it was awesome. We had so much fun we all can't wait to go back. Hope you enjoy the pictures! Oh, and don't think I'm a Broncos fan, I definetly am NOT.


Hollyween said...

Cute pics, Paula. That baby of yours is to die for! Those big brown eyes!

My husband would seriously DIE to go to a broncos game. You're so lucky! said...

Hey, that is the coolest slide show EVER !!! And Jaxson of course stills the show! He is so adorable - Great pictures! What a way to capture such a memorable event!!! I loved it !!!
Yes, it was a great time..and we are looking foward to do it Again soon !!!!

Mariel said...

Yea, techy! Good job on the slideshow. You've got some good pictures! I like the one of you and Jesse with your beanies on. Looked like a way funner holiday that mine! Come over!

The Brann's said...

My husband is a Bronco's fan. It would be SO jealous!!!